A lawn aeration is completed by using a petrol-powered machine that creates finger length solid tine holes in the lawn. It can also be used to take out plugs of soil, which is called hollow tine, this helps to remove the build-up of thatch (dead grass).
This is a specialist machine and a is imperative part of lawn treatments. Once a lawn has been aerated air, light, moisture and fertiliser can fall into the soil and make the soil more fertile and improve the lawns health. From this point each time we visit and apply our specialist licenced weed-killers and fertilisers the lawn will react more positively.
The best time to complete a lawn aeration is during the autumn and winter months, weather permitting.
Lawn Scarification
Lawn Scarification is a very important cultural operation in maintaining a lush green lawn, it is normally completed during Spring and autumn. Scarification is carried out by using an industrial machine fitted with steel blades to remove the build-up of thatch (dead grass) and moss from around the base of the grass plant. Effective scarification will encourage the lawn to thicken up.
On completion of a scarification the lawn will need a cut to remove any straggly lateral growth.
Scarification will also improve the effectiveness of other cultural operations that follow, such as over-seeding and lawn top dressing that is completed to remove indentations within a lawn.